Sunday, May 22, 2011

While I was at it

 Couldn't resist adding a few dozen cookies for the Team LUNA Chix Cupcake Run fundraiser.  I don't bake cupcakes - but who's to say it can't be cupcake cookies instead? Don't worry, no one got short changed, Sweet Sixteen Cafe provided plenty of cupcakes for all - the cookies were just a bonus!


  1. These are awesome! Another successful cookie making binge for you! Love them!

    We might need some of these for one of our workouts - we'll donate to the BCF for them!

  2. Lucky me! I was at the Cupcake Run and got to sample some of these beauties. They are even more delicious than they look, if you can believe that. Yum! Plus...Mary Lou made cute little running shoes cookies to go with them.
